Anillo 3 - Original

An interactive fiction by Mel Hython (2009) - the Inform 7 source text

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Complete text
Section 1 - Nuhur


Nuhur - el primer jugador

Nuhur is a posible jugador in Pantano14. It is male.
The printed name of Nuhur is "Nuhur".
The description of Nuhur is "[if the player is Nuhur]Tu portador, [end if]Nuhur[if the player is Nuhur],[end if] no sólo es idiota, es rematadamente feo, incluso para un sucio humano.".
El cadaver of Nuhur is nuhur_muerto.

Nuhur can be muerto. Nuhur is not muerto.

Understand "portador" as Nuhur when the player is Nuhur.